Watsonville’s First Teen Night Club
José Leal
The place is here! Bring your feet to the dance floor
and enjoy Watsonville’s new night life. No more
hanging at Jack in the Box—now you can spend your time
in a place where you could enjoy great drinks for
teens, great music, and meet new people. Forget
leaving town to go and party somewhere else—and
(parents) forget worrying about where your teens are
on the weekends. I know where they’ll be—at
Watsonville’s first teen night club, having fun in a
safe, healthy way.
Hey you—yeah, you, reading this article! I bet you
like what you hear, right? I bet you’re one of the
many teenagers who look for things to do here in
Watsonville. It’s up to us to make this a reality. I
know we’re all tired of hanging at Jack in the Box or
going out of town to party, just wasting money by
going out somewhere else.
In the past, the people of Watsonville were asked to
choose what would help teens stay active and out of
trouble. There were three choices: a skate park, a
computer center, and a teen night club. Today, we
already have the first two. Now all we need is the
last one, a teen night club for all of us.
Watsonville used to have a great nightlife, but over
the years that changed, and this became a boring and
dead town for most people. These days, there are bars
for people over 21, and we all know that Watsonville
is filled with fast food restaurants—
but where on Main Street can a teen go and hang and
have a good time?
We can let our voices be heard if we all get together
and bring our idea together into a plan. And, yes, the
city has plenty of money for teen activities.
I wrote an article a while back—an editorial about how
there isn’t anything for teenagers to do in
Watsonville. But I guess there is a lot that we could
do here. We could go and play with little kids in the
youth center or go and break a leg trying to skate!
Come on, who’s really into that? I know I’m not. I
wrote this as my own opinion and as a message to the
city. I hope someone lays eyes on it and tries to help
our cause. In the end, though, I guess it’s back to
Jack. Hey, I’m starting to get used to eating burgers
on weekends.